Session 1: In the Dark: Audio Session
1:30pm - 3:30pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
The inaugural Black Snapper Audio Festival has received an outstanding range of fiction and nonfiction submissions from talented student creators across the globe.
Festival attendees can look forward to being transported into richly realised fictional worlds and moved by powerful true stories during our ’In the Dark’ audio session. The selection of pieces curated for the event reflects the incredible diversity of voices and perspectives within the student audio community.
We invite audiences to join us in celebrating these remarkable works.
Listen to the 2023 Audio Selection playlist here!
Session 2: Previsualising the Action Workshop on Drawing the Storyboard. Devised by Dr Alec Morgan
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Screen Studio, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Before the director yells ‘action’ and the camera turns over, the first steps towards visualising the movie will often be done by hand, sketching out a series of rough images on paper. Often accompanied by written instructions regarding camera angles to pinpoint the scene. Storyboards are a vital template, helping all departments to conceive and develop what is required for the film to be realised.
This workshop will consist of an illustrated talk by Alec Morgan tracing a brief history of storyboards from their beginning with the Walt Disney animation studios in the 1930s to today. It will explore the different storyboard drawing techniques and styles used by some key filmmakers throughout those years.
There will also be a hands-on time where you will begin to create your own storyboards. If you have a script, bring along a scene that you would like to pre-visualise. Or bring a film idea to work on. If you don’t have any of those, we can supply a scene to practice with. Bring your own drawing tools or we can provide them. Either way, come prepared to have fun.
Session 3: Opening Night Ceremony
6:30pm – 9:30pm
1 Central Courtyard, Macquarie University
BYO picnic blankets
BSIFF's Opening Night Ceremony: with live music from The Smashed Avocados, words from our guest speakers and films selected from across each category.
Session 1: International Documentary Highlight
12:00pm - 2:00pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short documentaries by student filmmakers from around the world.
Session 2: International Fiction Highlight
3:00pm - 5:00pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short fiction films by student filmmakers from around the world.
Session 1: International Experimental Highlight
12:00pm - 2:00pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short experimental films by student filmmakers from around the world.
Session 2: Australian Documentary & Experimental Highlight
3:00pm - 5:00pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short films by student filmmakers from around Australia.
Session 1: MQ FOCUS: Retrospective
12:00pm - 2:00pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
A retrospective of the best short films by Macquarie University students from the past decade.
Session 2: International Animation Highlight
3:00pm - 5:00pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short animated films by student filmmakers from around the world.
Session 3: Secondary School Screening
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Screen Studio, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short films by secondary school student filmmakers from Australia and beyond.
Session 1: International Climate Change Screening and Panel
12:00pm - 2:00pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short films that address issues of global, national and community concern by student filmmakers around the world, followed by a panel discussion.
Session 2: Masterclass with Sennheiser: Elevating Short Films (featuring Sarah Chambers and Tristan Woodington)
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Screen Studio, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
In this session, Sarah Chambers, a last-semester student from Macquarie University, will join our Technical Applications Engineer to discuss her recent experience with sound production during the creation of a short film along with her Sound Designer, Tristan Woodington. Topics will include Shotgun Mic Techniques, ADR, wireless systems, locations, and general sound considerations.
Session 3: Australian Fiction Highlight
4:30pm – 6:30pm
Screen Studio, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Series of short fiction films by student filmmakers from around Australia.
Session 4: In the Dark: Audio Session
7:00pm - 8:30pm
T1 Theatre, 10 Hadenfeld Avenue
Due to popular demand, the Black Snapper International Film & Audio Festival is pleased to announce an encore "In the Dark" audio playback event!
Join us for a second night of celebrating exceptional student works in audio storytelling from across the globe.
Be transported by a diverse lineup of creative fiction and nonfiction pieces produced by the next generation of audio talent. From gripping dramas to moving personal narratives and innovative audio experiments, this session offers a panoramic view of the bold new voices shaping the medium.
Register now before seats fill up! This is a unique opportunity to experience firsthand the future of audio excellence.
Can't make it in person? A selection of works from the session will be available online afterwards to listen on demand.
We eagerly welcome all audio storytelling enthusiasts, so please help spread the word! RSVP link and details can be found at